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Saturday, December 19, 2009

How to Develop your own Money Making Ideas

There are three major formats you can use to create profitable idea:

1. Find something that already exists, the presence of which has never been known before.

2. Invent something. Most inventions are merely new arrangements of things that have already been invented.

3. Alter or improve in any number of different ways something that already exists.

Those are only the overview on how to develop money-making ideas. They sound so simple but they are the framework in conceptualizing brilliant moneymaking ideas. The following are the guide questions that will help you in the process of acquiring the skill:

List the things you want to improve:

- Why should it be improved?

- Who will benefit from the improvement?

- What is wrong with it at the present time?

- Did someone else cause a problem with it?

- How do you propose to improve it?

- Do you have the facilities to do the work required?

- Do you have the know-how to do the work required to improve it?

- Exactly what part needs to be improved?

- Should it be smaller? Larger?

- Should the color be different?

- Would more activity help make it better?

- Could it be combined with something else to make it more practical?

- Would a different basic material work better?

- Is it too complicated, could it be simplified?

- Would a substitute be more meaningful?

- Is it priced too high?

- Would a change in personnel help the situation?

- Can the shape be changed to advantage?

- Can a new marketing plan make the difference?

- Is it safe?

- Can it be mass produced to bring the unit cost down?

- Should the appearance be changed... streamlined?

- Is there an adequate guarantee?

- What can make it appeal to a bigger audience?

- Would new packaging or trade name enhance it?

- Can it be made heavier, lighter, higher or lower?

- Can it be franchised?

- Is there a good maintenance program to back it up?

- Can financing be simplified?

- List ways to increase production:

- List ways to increase sales:

- List ways to reduce costs:

- List ways to increase efficiency:

- List ways to improve quality and increase profits!

- What can be done with it to satisfy more people?

Ooops. I know its a long list but you don't have to answer all the guide questions. Pick only a few of them and start grabbing your chance of having the possibility of becoming wealthy.

To sum it up, we need to learn to develop ideas from observing everyday things and details. Think of what could make something better. Dwell on things that have a large marketing audience, something that everyone needs and wants. Write your ideas down. Put a pencil and pad at your night stand. When you remember a good dream... don't just lay there, by morning you will forget it... Jot it down on the pad. You will be surprised what you can dream up! Maybe the million dollar idea will magically appear on your pad tomorrow morning!

Writing: Your Top Five Money-Making Skills

Here are the top five money-making skills for Web writers today:

1. Blogging - Become A Pro Blogger: Your Clients Will Love You

Blogs are essential for Web sites, because they’re indexed fast. Every site needs a blog. Get up to speed on blogging, fast. It’s an essential skill for a Web writer.

2. Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Your Clients Need Your Skills

With billions of Web pages online and millions added every week, your clients will thank you if you learn how to optimize Web pages. Keep it simple: you just need basic on-page and off-page optimization skills, you don’t need to become a coder.

3. Link-Baiting: There’s Gold In Links

Link-bait content is gold online. Link-bait is any content which attracts links from other sites. If you can create link-worthy Web pages and articles, you can name your own price as a Web writer.

4. Fast Site Creation - Move At The Speed Of Thought, And Win

Writers write, but online it’s handy if you can toss up a basic Web site within a day or two. This is because everything moves fast online: to get in on the ground floor of a new trend, you need to be fast. Do yourself and your clients a favor and learn to quickly create basic sites.

5. Domain Name Expertise - Million-Dollar Domain Names

Some domain names are worth millions of dollars, and their worth will continue to grow. You’re a writer, so you know the power of words. If you can create great domain names, the web is yours.

So there we have the top five money-making skills for a Web writer.

Feeling overwhelmed? Don’t be. You’ve got plenty of time to learn these new Web writing skills, and you don’t need to be a pro in any of them. The basics are easy to grasp. So get writing with your new skills. You’re doing your clients and yourself a favor, and you’ll stand out as a real Web writer.

Friday, December 18, 2009

My Top 10 Worst Ideas To Make Money

This article is about the owner of these ideas and projects

He writes
"I think I am about 5 for 500 when it comes to successful ideas vs flops. I just watched a documentary about my neighbor Warren Buffett and he talked about how you should brag about your failures and be humble about your successes. I think my new years resolution in 2007 is to be way more humble. Do not think I have some golden touch or something that everything works out great… its just the law of averages.. try enough stuff and something will stick.

Anyway I came up (in about 10 minutes) my top 10 worst ideas to make money that totally were a waste of time and effort (and money in some cases).

And also BTW you cant read this post if you know me in real life and k thx…

10 – FireFox Forum (firefoxforum.com) – I purchased this site on digitalpoint ($800) after getting some inside information that FireFox was going to team up with Google on a per download affiliate program. Well all that happened and I think I made about 50$ the first year. FLOP

9 – BabyCalc.com – If you were about to have a baby you could go on this site and punch in some numbers then it would email you as your baby was growing and let you know what was going on… “like 10 days until you should be able to tell the sex of your baby!” or “Babys heart beat starts today” ect.. stuff like that.. I paid to have the backend developed and the site was about 95% completed (about a 1500$ investment).

Then a very close friend of the family had a miscarriage about 15 weeks into her pregnancy and told us about how she had signed up for all these baby websites and now they keep emailing her stuff and she breaks down and cries every time…. I just wanted no part of that… FLOP

8 – Pimp My Blog – I thought this was going to be teh win. I mean… you want to pimp out your blog right ? I registered pimpmyblog.org but it was burning my ass that someone owned pimpmyblog.com. I hate making a site when I do not own the .com. Sure you can do good without owning the .com but they are always going to mooch off of your hard work…. so I HAD to own it and after about 3 weeks of haggling with this guy I paid $2,000.00 for the domain.

I made a forum with Vbulletin and had big plans to implement wordpress templates and all kinds of cool blogging tools but just never got around to it =p. FLOP

7 – Omaha-Used-Cars.com – Now here we go! This is easy. Just make a used car site and charge dealers a .25cent per car listing fee right ? ehhh none interested… FLOP

6 – SMS Text Dating textdating.com/texting.com – I was soooooooo sure this one was going to be it! The concept is simple basically you subscribe to this dating website. Make a profile then you could send a message to the person from the website to there mobile phone without having to know there phone number. I had this totally done and nobody every signed up… FLOP

5 – St. Marry’s Bar & Grill – Ok this has nothing to do with the internet. After the Hooters closed down in Lincoln I tried to re-open it then when that did not work out I thought about making a restaurant called St. Marrys where it was like a church and the waitresses dressed like catholic school girls and like the nuns would be the managers and spank the waitresses if they were bad?!? Yes I know bad idea and I never really pursued it…. I like in one of the most conservative catholic communities in the country so no way it would fly… and yes i know im going straight to hell.

4 – 2 Topless Chix In A Ferrari Cross Country

What would get more looks then a brand new ferrari f430 ? what if 2 topless girls were driving it cross country ? what if you could buy advertising on the car ? seemed like a good idea… then it did not.

3 – Ads Or Not

Simple concept. There is 5 ads on a webpage only one of them is NOT REALLY A AD! Each time you successfully spot the fake ad you get some money built up into your account. – I had issues finding advertisers who were down for this =P FLOP

2 – ShoeMoney SEO Contest

I thought it would be fun contest to see if someone could outrank me for shoemoney. Id like to not relive that.

1 – ShoeMoney Petroleum Company -

(I cant believe im actually telling these in public)

Ok Follow me here -

I want to purchase a Gas Station and Give away Free Gas

The catch is like the gas would come out really slow and also you would be limited as to how much you could get per week. (Like max 50 gallons a week).

How do I make money ? EASY – I would setup paintball guns around the gas station with webcams that would let people from the internet take shots at the people filling up there cars with gas. You could charge per shot or a xxxx amounts of shots per month for a set fee. PROBLEM – I talked to a city council member about this and he told me there was a “no flying ordinance” or something rule within city limits however I could maybe do it in the country…

Anyway….. thats all for now."

Thursday, December 17, 2009

This Is A Money Making Article

Creating A Money Making Article

1. First you have to write a title that catches attention and has the right keywords in it. This has the keyword phrase "money making article," and apparently caught your attention. Make the title relevant to the article content, of course, or the reader will feel tricked, and may stop reading.

2. Have a short description that pulls the reader in. You might use the first couple sentences of the article for this. Tell the readers what they will find in the article, and leave them curious. You read this far, so that seems to be working.

3. Have useful information or good stories. It is even better if you have both.

4. Put the keywords in the body of the article, and in sub-headings, so search engines can find your article. Note that I used "money making article" in the sub-heading above, and I just used it again.

5. Create an "authors resource box" that makes the reader want to visit your site. Talk very little about yourself and more about why the reader should go to your web site. I'll be watching to see how well mine works in this case. Be sure the link to your website works.

6. Make money from visitors to your site. You could be selling your own products, or getting a commission for selling other people's products, or just be getting paid for the advertising there.

7. Submit your article to the best article directories on the web. This is where you "give away" your articles. Directory visitors read them there, and other web site owners take them and use them. Generally, they can't change a word in your article, and they have to make that link to your site (in the author's resource box) active. This is how you get traffic to your website.

8. Let the readers learn something, but let them know there is more. This gets them to your site, to learn more. For example, I outlined the basic process above, but I'm leaving out the list of the best article directories to submit to. Of course, in the resource box I will mention that it is on my website. This is how you create a money making article.

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