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Saturday, December 19, 2009

Writing: Your Top Five Money-Making Skills

Here are the top five money-making skills for Web writers today:

1. Blogging - Become A Pro Blogger: Your Clients Will Love You

Blogs are essential for Web sites, because they’re indexed fast. Every site needs a blog. Get up to speed on blogging, fast. It’s an essential skill for a Web writer.

2. Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Your Clients Need Your Skills

With billions of Web pages online and millions added every week, your clients will thank you if you learn how to optimize Web pages. Keep it simple: you just need basic on-page and off-page optimization skills, you don’t need to become a coder.

3. Link-Baiting: There’s Gold In Links

Link-bait content is gold online. Link-bait is any content which attracts links from other sites. If you can create link-worthy Web pages and articles, you can name your own price as a Web writer.

4. Fast Site Creation - Move At The Speed Of Thought, And Win

Writers write, but online it’s handy if you can toss up a basic Web site within a day or two. This is because everything moves fast online: to get in on the ground floor of a new trend, you need to be fast. Do yourself and your clients a favor and learn to quickly create basic sites.

5. Domain Name Expertise - Million-Dollar Domain Names

Some domain names are worth millions of dollars, and their worth will continue to grow. You’re a writer, so you know the power of words. If you can create great domain names, the web is yours.

So there we have the top five money-making skills for a Web writer.

Feeling overwhelmed? Don’t be. You’ve got plenty of time to learn these new Web writing skills, and you don’t need to be a pro in any of them. The basics are easy to grasp. So get writing with your new skills. You’re doing your clients and yourself a favor, and you’ll stand out as a real Web writer.

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